Benjamin E. Lippincott Award 


Nominations for the 2024 APSA Awards have now closed.

The Benjamin E. Lippincott Award, now given annually, honors exceptional work by a living political theorist that is still considered significant after a time span of at least 15 years since the original publication.

The award, supported by University of Minnesota, carries a cash prize of $10,000 and the opportunity to record a podcast

Nomination Information




  • Eligibility: Nominees do not have to be members of APSA, affiliated with an institution in the United States, or an American citizen in order to be considered for an award.  It is not compulsory that authors be political scientists.

    For 2024, the latest an eligible work could be published is 2009.  Many books contain both a publication date and a copyright date, and these may differ.  Eligibility is determined by the earlier of these dates that is printed with the publication information at the front of the book. Edited books are ineligible for nomination.

  • Individuals: Please contact the publisher and ask for either an eBook to submit via the online application portal or to have a physical copy of the nominated book mailed directly to each award committee member.

    Self-nominations are accepted.  If you nominate yourself for a book award, you assume responsibility for contacting your publisher and having copies of your book sent to the award committee either virtually or via mail.
  • Publishers: Please submit your nomination online through the APSA application portal.  You have the option to either submit an eBook via the portal or mail a hard copy of the nominated book directly to each member of the award committee.

Benjamin E. Lippincott Award Committee

Year Recipient Title Submitted by
2023 Joan Tronto

Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care

University of Minnesota
2022 Jane Mansbridge

Beyond Adversary Democracy

Harvard University
2021 Charles Mills

The Racial Contract

Cornell University Press
2019 Philip Pettit

Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government

Oxford University Press, 1997


Bernard Boxill Blacks and Social Justice Rowman & Littlefield, 1984


James Scott Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed Yale University Press, 1997
2013 Charles Taylor

Sources of the Self

Harvard University Press, 1989
2011 Alasdair MacIntyre

After Virtue

University of Notre Dame, 1981
2009 Kenneth J. Arrow

Social Choice and Individual Values

Yale University Press, 1951
2009 Jürgen Habermas Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
MIT Press, 1962
2007 Anthony Downs

An Economic Theory of Democracy

Harper and Brothers, 1957
2005 Carole Pateman

The Sexual Contract

Stanford University Press, 1998
2003 Albert O. Hirschman

The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before Its Triumph

Princeton University Press, 1977
2001 Quentin Skinner

Foundations of Modern Political Thought

Cambridge University Press, 1978
1999 William E. Connolly The Terms of Political Discourse

Heath Publishers, 1974

1997 Hanna F. Pitkin The Concept of Representation

University of California Press, 1972

1995 Charles E. Lindblom Politics and Markets: The World's Political-Economic Systems

Basic Books, 1977

1993 J.G.A. Pocock

The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republic Tradition

Princeton University Press, 1975

1991 Michael Walzer

The Revolutions of the Saints: A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics

Harvard University Press, 1965

1989 Robert A. Dahl

A Preface to Democratic Theory

University of Chicago Press, 1956

1987 John Rawls

A Theory of Justic

1985 Sheldon Wolin

Politics and Vision

1984 Sir Isaiah Berlin

Collected essays on political theory, dating from 1939 through 1969

1983 Duncan Black

The Theory of Committees and Elections

1982 Michael Oakeshott

Experience and Its Modes, and two essays, "The Voice of Poetry" and his Introduction to Hobbes' Leviathan

1981 Simone de Beauvoir

The Second Sex

1980 H.L.A. Hart

The Concept of Law

1979 C.B. Macpherson

The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism

1978 Eric Voegelin

The New Science of Politics and Order and History

1977 Louis Hartz

The Liberal Tradition in America

1976 Karl Popper

The Open Society and Its Enemies

1975 Hannah Arendt

The Human Condition