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Welcome to APSA eJobs

APSA eJobs is the most comprehensive database of jobs related to political science, accessible to members. The eJobs platform is updated daily with new job listings and candidate resumes, and is fully searchable by field of interest, employer or candidate name, region, keyword, position, salary, institution type, and most recent postings. APSA departmental members have access to post and view job listings on our eJobs site as a part of their departmental membership. As a benefit of departmental membership, departmental members may search for and post job listings as well as view and search candidate CVs.

All job seekers can access eJobs; however, APSA members enjoy unique benefits including access to the full content of job listings. Non-member job candidates have limited access to eJobs. They can search the job listings and view titles, but cannot view the contents nor post CVs. Learn more about accessing eJobs as a non-member.

Departmental members of APSA can place an unlimited number of job posts for no additional charge. Please note, individual memberships do not confer department member benefits. Individual memberships do not have access to post positions on eJobs. Departments and institutions that are not APSA members may post a job for $300 for the initial one-month job posting, and then $150 for each additional month. 

eJobs Job Market Signaling Available 

The “Signaling form” allows APSA members to transmit or signal their interest in receiving an interview. Job seekers can write in 3 job postings they are interested in. After submissions are closed, APSA will transmit the signals to the corresponding departments. Click here to learn more.