APSA Best Poster Award 


Nominations for the 2024 APSA Awards have closed.


The APSA Best Poster Award honors the best poster presented by a graduate student or early career scholar at the APSA Annual Meeting. The award carries a cash prize of $500.


APSA Best Poster Award Committee

2023 APSA Best Poster Award Recipient  - Meiqing Zhang, University of Southern California


Year Recipient Title
2023 Meiqing Zhang, University of Southern California Moralized Social Media in the 2020 Presidential Election
2022 Elisha Cohen, Emory University Measuring Gender Bias in U.S. House Elections: An Outcome Test Approach
2021 Stephanie Chan, Tanika Raychaudhuri, and Ali Valenzuela (Princeton University) Group Threat or Contact? The Effects of Local Immigration Primes on Policy Views