James Madison Award

This award will not be awarded in 2024.

The Madison Award honors an American political scientist who has made a distinguished scholarly contribution to political science.

The triennial award is presented at the APSA Annual Meeting and carries a cash prize of $2,000. The recipient delivers the Madison Lecture at the Annual Meeting.

James Madison Award Committee

Year Recipient Affiliation
2023 Theda Skocpol Harvard University
2020 John J. Mearsheimer University of Chicago
2017 Deborah Stone Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2014 Robert Keohane Princeton University
2011 Jane Mansbridge Harvard University
2008 Theodore Lowi Cornell University
2005 Elinor Ostrom Indiana University
2002 David Mayhew Yale University
1999 Kenneth N. Waltz Columbia University
1996 Philip Converse University of Michigan and Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Science
1993 Sidney Verba Harvard University
1990 James Q. Wilson

University of California, Los Angeles

1987 E. Pendleton Herring Social Science Research Council
1984 Herbert Simon Carnegie-Mellon University
1981 Gabriel A. Almond Stanford University
1978 Robert A. Dahl Yale University

The award lecture is published in PS: Political Science & Politics. These articles may be used for personal, non-commercial, or limited classroom use. For permissions for all other uses of this article please contact Cambridge University Press at permissions@cup.org.

We are continually grateful for the contributions from APSA members and friends that make our work possible. Your donation helps continue the Madison Award and recognize future scholars for their important contributions to political science. Thank you for your support of APSA and scholars across the discipline.

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