Franklin L. Burdette/Pi Sigma Alpha Award 


Nominations for the 2024 APSA Awards have closed.


The Burdette/Pi Sigma Alpha Award honors the best paper presented at the previous year's APSA Annual Meeting. 

The award, supported by Pi Sigma Alpha, is presented at the APSA Annual Meeting and carries a cash prize of $750.

Nomination Information


  • Eligibility: Self-nominations are accepted. Nominees do not have to be members of APSA, affiliated with an institution in the United States, or an American citizen in order to be considered for an award.

    Annual Meeting program division chairs are invited to nominate one paper from their panel.

    Papers must have been presented at the previous year’s APSA Annual Meeting (eligible papers for the 2024 award were presented in 2023 meeting).

Franklin L. Burdette Pi Sigma Alpha Award Committee

Year Recipient Title Affiliation


Shengqiao Lin

Addressing Risk by Doing Good: Business Responses to Policy Initiatives

University of Texas at Austin


Jessie Trudeau

Machine Gun Politics: Why Politicians Cooperate with Criminal Groups

Harvard University


Aditya Dasgupta

Explaining Rural Conservatism: Technological and Political Change in the Great Plains

University of California, Riverside

2020 Kristin Kao and Mara Redlich Revkin Retribution and Reconciliation: Attitudes Toward Rebel Collaborators in Iraq University of Gothenburg (Kao); Georgetown University Law Center (Revkin)
2019 Nikhar Gaikwad and Pavithra Suryanarayan Economic and Ethnic Determinants of Trade Preferences: Evidence from India Columbia University (Gaikwad); Johns Hopkins University (Suryanarayan)
2018 Ana Catalano Weeks Why Are Gender Quota Laws Adopted by Men? The Role of Inter- and Intra-Party Competition University of Bath
2017 Kenneth Greene Why Vote Buying Fails: Campaign Effects and the Elusive Swing Voter University of Texas at Austin
2016 Pablo Barbera How Social Media Reduces Mass Political Polarization: Evidence from Germany, Spain, and the U.S. New York University
2016 John Voorheis, Nolan McCarty, Boris Shor Unequal Incomes, Ideology and Gridlock: How Rising Inequality Increases Political Polarization University of Oregon, Princeton University, Georgetown University
2015 Alexander Kuo, Cecilia Hyunjung Mo, Neil Malhotra Why Do Asian Americans Identify as Democrats? Testing Theories of Social Exclusion and Intergroup Solidarity Cornell University, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Vanderbilt University
2014 Chad P. Kiewiet de Jonge Political Learning and Democratic Commitment in New Democracies Center for Economic Research and Teaching
2013 Toby Bolsen, James Druckman, Fay Lomax Cook When and How Partisan Identification Works Georgia State University, Northwestern University
2012 No award given
2011 Dennis Chong and James N. Druckman Dynamic Public Opinion: Communication Effects Over Time Northwestern University
2010 Thomas B. Pepinsky, R. William Liddle, and Saiful Mujani Testing Islam's Political Advantage: Evidence from Indonesia Cornell University, Ohio State University, and Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University
2010 Ben B. Hansen and Jake Bowers Attributing Effects to a Cluster Randomized Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign University of Michigan and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2009 No award given
2008 Alastair Smith and Bruce Bueno de Mesquita Political Survival and Institutional Change New York University and New York University/Stanford University
2007 Dennis Chong and James Druckman Democratic Competition and Public Opinion Northwestern University
2006 Dawn Brancati Decentralization: Fueling the Fire or Dampening the Flames of Ethnic Conflict and Secessionism Harvard University
2005 William T. Bernhard and David Leblang When Markets Party: Stocks, Bonds, and Cabinet Formations University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and University of Colorado, Boulder
2004 David Woodruff Boom, Gloom, Doom: Balance Sheets, Monetary Fragmentation, and Financial Crisis in Argentina and Russia Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2004 Larry W. Chappell and Bernard L. Bray Civic Theatre for Civic Education Mississippi Valley State University and Talladega College
2003 Larry M. Bartels Economic Inequality and Political Representation Princeton University
2002 No award given
2001 No award given
2000 Herbert Kitschelt Accounting for Outcomes of Post-Communist Regime Change: Casual Depth or Shallowness in Rival Explanations Duke University
1999 Charles Stewart III Architect or Tactician? Henry Clay and the Institutional Development of the U.S. House of Representatives Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1998 Karen Orren Machine Constitutionalism: The Court, the Republican Party and the Eleventh Amendment in the Gilded Age University of California, Los Angeles
1997 Richard A. Brisbin The U.S. Supreme Court and the Rationality of Labor Violence: The Impact of the Mackay Radio Doctrine and 'Violence' during the Coal Strike of 1989-90 West Virginia University
1996 Jeffrey A. Segal Marxist (and Neo-Marxist) Models of Supreme Court Decision Making: Separation-of-Powers in the Positive Theory of Law and Courts SUNY Stony Brook
1995 Kenneth Schultz and Barry Weingast The Democratic Advantage: The Institutional Sources of State Power in International Competition Stanford University
1994 Paul Sniderman, Edward Carmines, Philip Tetlock, and Anthony Tyler The Asymmetry of Race as a Political Issue: Prejudice, Political Ideology, and the Structure of Conflict of American Politics Stanford University, Indiana University, and University of California, Berkeley
1993 George Tsebelis The Power of the European Parliament as a Conditional Agenda-Setter University of California, Los Angeles
1992 Edgar Kiser Markets and Hierarchies in Early Modern Fiscal Systems: A Principal-Agent Analysis of the Choice Between Tax Farming and State Bureaucracy University of Washington
1991 Bartholomew H. Sparrow Raising Taxes and Going into Debt: A Resource Dependence Model of U.S. Public Finance in the 1940s University of Texas at Austin
1990 Byron E. Shafer The Notion of an Electoral Order: The Structure of Electoral Politics at the Accession of George Bush Nuffield College
1989 George Rabinowitz, Stuart Elaine Macdonald, and Ola Listhaug New Players in an Old Game University of North Carolina
1988 Ronald Rogowski Changing Exposure to Trade and the Development of Political Cleavages University of California, Los Angeles
1987 James L. Gibson The Policy Consequences of Political Tolerance University of Houston
1986 Robert Axelrod Modeling the Evolution of Norms University of Michigan
1985 Jack L. Walker Three Modes of Political Mobilization
1985 Michael Wallerstein The Micro-Foundations of Corporatism: Formal Theory and Comparative Analysis University of California, Los Angeles
1984 Gary Miller and Terry Moe The Positive Theory of Hierarchies Michigan State University and Stanford University
1983 Jennifer Hochschild Incrementalism, Pluralism and the Failure of School Desegregation Princeton University
1983 Kaare Strom Minority Government and Majority Rule Stanford University
1982 Sylvia Snowiss From Fundamental Law to the Supreme Law of the Land: A Reinterpretation of the Origin of Judicial Law Review in the U.S. California State University, Northridge
1981 Trudi C. Miller Toward a Normative Dynamic Model of Educational Equity National Science Foundation
1980 Bert A. Rockman Constants, Cycles, Trends and Persons in Presidential Governance: Carter's Troubles Reviewed University of Pittsburgh
1979 Mancur Olson Pluralism and National Decline University of Maryland
1978 Raymond E. Wolfinger and Steven J. Rosenstone Who Votes? University of California, Berkeley
1977 Mary Cornelia Porter Rodriguez, the "Poor" and the Burger Court: A Prudent Prognosis Barat College
1976 Richard F. Fenno Congressmen in Their Constituencies: An Exploration University of Rochester
1975 Lloyd and Susanne Rudolph Authority and Power in Bureaucratic and Patrimonial Administration University of Chicago
1974 William Zimmerman National-International Linkages in Yugoslavia: The Political Consequences of Openness University of Michigan
1973 No award given
1972 Alexander George Multiple Advocacy in Making Foreign Policy Stanford University
1971 Daniel Ellsberg Escalating in a Quagmire Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1970 Brian Fry and Richard Winters The Politics of Redistribution Stanford University and Dartmouth College
1969 Gerald H. Kramer Short-Term Fluctuations in U.S. Voting Behavior, 1896-1964 Yale University
1968 Sidney Tarrow Catch-all Political Parties in a Polarized Political System: An Empirical Analysis and Theoretical Critique Yale University
1967 Frederick Frey Socialization to National Identification: Turkish Peasants Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1967 Robert C. Tucker The Deradicalization of Marxist Movements Princeton University
1966 Samuel Huntington Political Modernization: America vs. Europe Harvard University
1965 James B. Christoph British Political Ideology Today: Consensus and Cleavage Ohio State University
1964 James G. March An Individualistic Theory of Political Process University of California, Irvine