Leonard D. White Award 

Nominations for the 2024 APSA Awards have closed.

The White Award honors the best doctoral dissertation in the field of public administration.

The award, supported by University of Chicago, is presented at the APSA Annual Meeting and carries a cash prize of $750.

Nomination Information

  • Eligibility: Nominees do not have to be members of APSA, affiliated with an institution in the United States, or an American citizen in order to be considered for an award.

    Dissertations must have been successfully defended within the previous two calendar years (dissertations for the 2024 award must be defended in 2022 or 2023).

    Self-nominations are accepted. Nominations from non-PhD departments and institutions are also welcome if the nominee is currently employed there.

    APSA will accept up to two nominations for the White Award per school or political science department.

Leonard D. White Award Committee

Year Author Dissertation Submitted by


Kaylyn Jackson Schiff

The Digital Citizen: The Impact of Technology on Public Participation and Government Responsiveness

Emory University


Sarah James

When is Hindsight 20/20? The Politics of Acknowledging and Revising Failed Policies

Harvard University


Anthony DeMattee

Domesticating Civil Society: How and Why Governments Use Laws to Regulate CSOs

Indiana University


Angela Young-Shin Park

Beyond Adoption: The Influence of Local Institutional Arrangements on Sustainability Policy Implementation and Management

University of Kansas


Chad Levinson

Moral Subsidy: The Origins of Influential Extra-Governmental Organizations in US National Security Politics

University of Chicago


Jennifer Mei Jun Yim

Delinquency's Treatment: Why Interactions Produce Policy and Identity in Secure Juvenile Facilities

University of Utah


Alan Zarychta

It Takes More Than a Village: Governance and Public Services in Developing Countries

University of Colorado at Boulder


Bruce Jones

An fMRI Study of the Reward Preferences of Government and Business Leaders

University of Texas, Dallas


Katharine Bradley

Who Lobbies the Lobbyists? Bureaucratic Influence on State Medicaid Legislation

University of Michigan


Viridiana Rios Contreras

How Government Structure Encourages Criminal Violence: The Causes of Mexico's Drug War

Harvard University


Deondra E. Rose

The Development of U.S. Higher Education Policy and its Impact on the Gender Dynamics of American Citizenship

Cornell University


Quinn W. Mulroy

Public Regulation through Private Litigation: The Regulatory Power of Private Lawsuits and the American Bureaucracy

Columbia University


Amanda M. Girth

Accountability and Discretion in the Age of Contracting: When and Why Do Public Managers Implement Sanctions for Unsatisfactory Contract Performance?

American University


Mikhail Pryadilnikov

The State and Markets in Russia: Understanding the Development of Bureaucratic Implementation Capacities through the Study of Regulatory Reform, 2001-2008

Harvard University


Zachary Oberfield

Becoming the Man: How Street-Level Bureaucrats Develop Their Workplace Identities and Views

University of Wisconsin, Madison


Matthew Dull

The Politics of Results: Comprehensive Reform and Institutional Choice

University of Wisconsin


Daniel W. Gingerich

Corruption in General Equilibrium: Political Institutions and Bureaucratic Performance in South America

Harvard University


David Pitts

Diversity, Representation and Performance: Evidence about Ethnicity in Public Organizations

University of Georgia