International Relations Theory (Section 53)

The purpose of this section is to promote scholarship, mentoring, and teaching in International Relations Theory.


Membership Dues

Student Regular
$0 $10

Founded: 2021

Section Counts


Section Officers

Section Officers

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Section Awards

Section awards are presented during the APSA annual meeting awards ceremony. To learn more about any award listed, contact the award committee chair for the award.

All section 53. International Relations Theory awards to-date ยป

Nuno P. Monteiro Best Dissertation Award

The Best Dissertation Award, named for Nuno P. Monteiro, is given for the best dissertation in International Relations Theory. All dissertations completed within the previous two calendar years are eligible for consideration. Nominations should be directed to all three members of the award committee.  All members of the Section are eligible to make nominations. Deadline: March 31, 2024

Award Committee

Name Institution Email
Sebastian Rosato (Chair) University of Notre Dame srosato@nd.edu
Katherine Beall Wellesley College kb115@wellesley.edu
Alexandre Debs Yale University  alexandre.debs@yale.edu


Best Graduate Student Paper Award

Best paper presented by a graduate students at the previous year's APSA Annual Meeting. Nominations are welcome from any member (chair, discussant, paper presenters, attendees) of the panels at the APSA meeting. Self-nominations are encouraged. Nominations should be directed to all members of the award committee. Deadline: November 15, 2024

Award Committee

Name Institution Email
Lucrecia Garcia Iommi (Chair) Fairfield University  lgarciaiommi@fairfield.edu
Adam Lerner University of Masschusetts Lowell adamblerner23@gmail.com
Jennifer Mitzen Ohio State University  mitzen.1@polisci.osu.edu