Political Methodology (Section 10)

The purpose of this Section is to provide members having interests in methodology, including research design, measurement, and statistics, opportunities to meet and exchange ideas.

Section Membership Dues

Student Regular

$10 (Online Journal Only)

$35 (Online Journal Only)

Founded: 1986

Social: @PolMethSociety
Section counts

Section Officers

Section Officers

Section Journal
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Section Awards

Section awards are presented during the APSA annual meeting awards ceremony. To learn more about any award listed, contact the award committee chair for the award.

All section 10. Political Methodology awards to-date »

Career Achievement Award

The Career Achievement Award honors an outstanding career of intellectual accomplishment and service to the profession in the Political Methodology field.

Nomination Instructions: Nominations may be made by any member of the Section and should consist of a statement outlining the contributions of the nominee and, if possible, the nominee's vitae.

Deadline for nominations: TBA

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email
Luke Keele University of Pennsylvania luke.keele@gmail.com
Garey King Harvard University king@harvard.edu
Teppei Yamamoto Massachusetts Institute of Technology teppei@mit.edu
Douglas Rivers Stanford University rivers@stanford.edu

ICPSR Summer Program Undergraduate Scholarships

The ICPSR Summer Program Undergraduate Scholarships are awarded to 8 undergraduates from under-represented groups, broadly defined, to attend the first 4-week session of the ICPSR summer program. Deadline for nominations: TBA

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email

Emerging Scholar Award

The Emerging Scholar Award honors a young researcher, within ten years of their degree, who is making notable contributions to the field of Political Methodology. Deadline for nominations: TBA

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email
Justin Grimmer Stanford University jgrimmer@stanford.edu
Molly Roberts University of California, San Diego meroberts@ucsd.edu
Xun Pang Peking University xpang@pku.edu.cn
Suzanna Linn Pennsylvania State University sld8@psu.edu
John Londregan Princeton University jbl@princeton.edu

Harold F. Gosnell Prize

The Gosnell Prize for Excellence in Political Methodology is awarded for the best work in political methodology presented at any political science conference during the preceding year. Deadline for Nominations: January 31, 2024

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email
Anand Sokhey University of Colorado Boulder


Naoki Egami Columbia University naoki.egami@columbia.edu
Dorothy Kronick University of California, Berkeley kronick@berkeley.edu
Bryce Dietrich University of Iowa bryce-dietrich@uiowa.edu

John T. Willliams Dissertation Prize

In recognition of John T. Williams’ contribution to graduate training, the John T. Williams Award has been established for the best dissertation proposal in the area of political methodology. Deadline for Nominations: TBA

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email
John Freeman University of Minnesota freeman@polisci.umn.edu
Walter Mebane University of Michigan wmebane@umich.edu
In Song Kim Massachusetts Institute of Technology insong@mit.edu
Erin Hartman University of California, Berkeley ekhartman@berkeley.edu
Yamili R. Velez Columbia University yrv2004@columbia.edu

Outstanding Reviewer Award

The Political Analysis Outstanding Reviewer Award recognizes individuals who have provided exemplary assistance to Political Analysis during the previous year. Outstanding Reviewers are those who provide excellent, timely and productive feedback for authors who have submitted manuscripts to Political Analysis. Outstanding Reviewers are also those who frequently review for the journal, and who provide the Editors with productive advice about the submissions they review.
 Deadline for Nominations: TBA

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email

Society for Political Methodology Poster Award

The Society for Political Methodology Poster Awards are given for the best poster presented by a graduate student and the best poster presented by a faculty member or other researcher at the annual summer Methodology Meeting of the previous year. Deadline for nominations: TBA

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email
Lonna Atkeson Florida State University latkeson@fsu.edu
Jake Bowers University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign jwbowers@illinois.edu
Naoki Egami Columbia University naoki.egami@columbia.edu
Ted Enamorado Washington University in St. Louis ted.enamorado@gmail.com
Jeff Gill American University jgill@american.edu
Walter Mebane University of Michigan wmebane@umich.edu
Brandon Stewart Princeton University bms4@princeton.edu
Michelle Torres Rice University smtorres@rice.edu
Ariel White Massachusetts Institute of Technology arwhi@mit.edu
Yiqing Xu Stanford University yiqingxu@stanford.edu
Luwei Ying  University of California, Los Angeles ying@ss.ucla.edu

The Latin American Best Poster Award

The Latin American PolMeth Best Poster Award is given for the best poster presented at the Latin American PolMeth meeting. The winner receives a trip to the PolMeth Annual Meeting the following year. Deadline for nominations: TBA



Name Affiliation Email
Loreto Cox Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile loretocox@gmail.com
Valentin Figueroa Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile valentin.figueroa@uc.cl
Nelson Ruiz University of Essex nelson.ruiz@essex.ac.uk

Statistical Software Award

The Best Statistical Software Award recognizes individuals for developing statistical software that makes a significant research contribution. Deadline for nominations: TBA

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email
Olga Chyzh University of Toronto ochyzh1@gmail.com
Dean Knox University of Pennsylvania dcknox@gmail.com
Sarah Dreier University of New Mexico skdreier@unm.edu

Warren Miller Article Award

The Miller Prize for is awarded for the best work appearing in Political Analysis the preceding year. Deadline for nominations: January 31, 2024

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email
Jeff Gill American University jgill@american.edu
Libby Jenke University of Houston ljenke@central.uh.edu
Cassy Dorff  Vanderbilt University cassy.dorff@vanderbilt.edu
Devin Caughey Massachusetts Institute of Technology devin.caughey@gmail.com
Yiqing Xu Stanford University yiqingxu@stanford.edu

Excellence in Mentoring Award

The Society for Political Methodology Excellence in Mentoring Award honors members of the Society who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to mentoring and advising graduate and/or undergraduate students and, in particular, those from underrepresented groups. Deadline for nominations: TBA

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email
Matthew Lebo Western University matthew.lebo@uwo.ca
Michelle Torres Rice University smtorres@rice.edu
Drew Dimmery University of Vienna pddimmery@gmail.com

Box-Steffensmeier and Garcia ICPSR Summer Program Scholarship

The John A. Garcia Award is a waiver of Program Scholar fees to attend one or both of the ICPSR Summer Program’s four-week sessions.  The scholarship will be awarded to a maximum of three under-represented graduate students in Ph.D. programs Deadline for nominations: TBA

Award Committee

Name Affiliation Email